Smart DOC 2022

Life with Purpose
Film govori o Esedu i Mahiri Ahmiš, bračnom paru iz Sarajeva. Kada se Mahira prije 16 godina udala za Eseda, nije ni slutila šta će pasti na njena pleća. Esed je samo godinu nakon vjenčanja teško obolio od multiple skleroze i ubrzo ostao prikovan za…
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The Colorless
This is a film about the non-aligned members of Bosnian society, who don’t belong to any of its three constituent nations. As such, they are labeled as ‘others’. Born out of love between different nations, they are often seen as fossils of the failed…
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We are Guilty Too
Humanity has been the main culprit of climate change for more than a century. Yet, we are somehow unwilling to admit our fault of negligence, even as the consequences detrimental to the society unfold in front our very eyes. In the environment where…
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