Grand Me

Grand Me


Atiye Zare Arandi & Bram Crols

Esfahan, Iran. Melina lives with her grandparents. Since her parents' divorce neither of them is willing to take on her legal custody. Melina is longing for a home and a family of her own. She wants to live with her mother, but this is not possible because both her father and new stepfather are against it. Celebrating her 9th birthday, Melina is finally old enough to bring her custody case to court. With the law on her side, she hopes to choose her own custodian. Unfortunately, Melina is not aware of how the adult world is organized and how reality will probably play out differently.

Executive Producer:  Bram Crols

Producers: Bram Crols, Nina Payrhuber, Mark Daems

DOP: Atiye Zare Arandi

Co-producers: Amir Osanlou, Atiye Zare Arandi

Editor: Katarina Türler

Sound Design: Raf Enckels

Music: Naima Joris