The Third AJB DOC Film Festival ends with the award ceremony
The jury stated that the winning films were fantastically arranged, and that a lot of effort, passion and love had been invested in them.

The winners of the Third AJB DOC Film Festival were announced in the online award ceremony which was held after the world premiere of the film "Dream Team Grannies" by Lejla Zvizdić. The film tells the story of the oldest female band, a group of grandmothers who decided to live the rest of their lives to the fullest, going through all the troubles with song and laughter.
Members of the international jury, renowned and experienced experts in the field of documentary filmmaking: Oggi Tomić - film author and director based in London, Irena Jelić - from the Croatian Audiovisual Center (HAVC) and Patrizia Manzini from the Sunny Side of the Doc Festival, decided on the awards for the best films in the Competition and AJB Screening Selections. The jury stated that the winning films were fantastically arranged, and that a lot of effort, passion and love had been invested in them.
“Each story has been transferred in detail to the film. I was simply honored to watch these films", Tomić said.
The AJB DOC Main Award, for the best film in the Competition Selection, was given to Molly Stuart's Objector, which tells the story of a nineteen-year-old Jewish girl who, having understood what was happening in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, refused to join the military service, which is obligatory in Israel, bravely opposing the ideology and system of Israel.
"Sincere congratulations to the team, to the director and all those involved in making of this amazing documentary. I wish this brave film and its team every success at next festivals around the world. I hope that as many people will watch the film and spread its message ", said Tomić.
"Special Mention" was given to the film "Caught in the Net" by Czech authors Vit Klusak and Barbora Chalupova, which in the form of an experiment reveals to viewers how child abuse via the Internet has become a widespread and common threat.
Jury member Irena Jelić said that it was "a film that talks about an extremely important topic, a film that educates us and shows the danger which is very close to our homes" adding that everyone should watch this film.
“This brilliantly designed and filmed documentary talks about an extremely important topic nowadays, pedophile predators who prey upon and attack children on social media on a daily basis. The jury especially praises the educational value of the film, as well as the young actresses who played extremely difficult roles of twelve-year-old girls ", concluded Jelić.
A three-member international jury also decided on the award for the best film of the AJB Screening Selection. The award was given to the documentary film "Neighbours" by Nerminka Emrić.
Jury member Patrizia Mancini explains: “The delicate but powerful cinematic approach has put the focus on humanity in the best possible way and sent a strong message to viewers. This is a film about those who are forced to leave everything behind in search of a better life. We are pleased to present the AJB Screening Award to this film”.
Al Jazeera Balkans Programme Jury Award, decided by the members of the Program Department of this TV company, Lejla Dedić, Sead Kreševljaković and Đani Hasečić, was given to the film “Transforming Tomorrow”, by Bosnian director Dino Mustafić. It documented the shocking story of the operations of the multinational company "Mittal Steel", which has its production in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The operations of this unscrupulous company driven only by profit "cover up" the traces of crimes committed in the Omarska mine - the site of one of the most atrocious camps in the 1990s. Its ore is then melted in the Zenica Steelworks, without applying any ecological standards, thus poisoning the population of the city, which, when it comes to the number of lung diseases - mostly cancer - is ranked among the first in Europe.
“As in the previous two years, our jury had an extremely difficult task of choosing a film that will receive the award from the Al Jazeera Balkans Program Department. Among ten great films, ten stories that deeply touched and delighted us with their content, each in its own way, we decided to award the film that stood out for its courage and that has in an artistic manner covered an extremely important topic for this region, where authors tend to avoid dealing with complicated topics of life, and where there are no many of those who follow their artistic and socially responsible impulse despite difficult working conditions ", it is stated in the explanation of the AJB Programme Jury.
Due to the specific circumstances and the online edition of this year's festival, which takes place without the presence of spectators, this year there was no "Audience Award".
The third edition of the Al Jazeera Balkans International Documentary Film Festival (AJB DOC) was held in Sarajevo from September 11th to 15th. During five days of the AJB DOC Film Festival, the audience had the opportunity to see 18 documentaries of world-class production.
All screened films were united by the AJB DOC slogan Voyage, which is presented visually, but also permeates this year's stories and our reality, as we are unable to physically travel and cross borders. Yet, we are immersed in our personal journeys, our search for meaning and strength.