In the wake of the devastating 7th of October attacks, the documentary The Evidence investigates war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian population. The documentary focuses on the use of white phosphorus by Israel, which is a banned weapon…
Uncle’s ring is a story about author’s uncle Abdurahman Filipović Braco – a doctor from Bosnia’s town Kalinovik, who was executed and went missing during Bosnia’s war in the 1990’s. The personal story is intertwined with the current social phenomena…
The Mystical Canyon of Rakitnica is a documentary about human curiosity and desire to discover and see something that is hidden and unreachable, despite the difficulties and dangers that arise along the way. The film follows a group of enthusiasts and…
From the moment the Israeli occupation forces withdrew from Al-Shifa Hospital, Al Jazeera 360 swiftly documented the atrocities that occurred. Exclusive testimonies from nurses and residents who endured a harrowing 14-day siege revealed brutal killings,…