Competition 2022

A House Made of Splinters
In this war-worn and impoverished corner of Eastern Ukraine where addiction casts a long shadow, there sits a safe haven for children temporarily removed from their parents. A House Made of Splinters follows three kids awaiting their fate— will they…
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A Parked Life
Bulgarian driver Petar Doychev lives for months on end in the cab of his truck. He is one of the hundreds of thousands Eastern-European men who roam Western Europe’s highways. He is a young father, fighting for the bond with his kid. Completely estranged…
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All that Remains to be Seen
When Silas suddenly can't find his friends in the schoolyard, Christina knows all too well what that means: He's losing his eyesight, just like she did as a child. The doctors had assured her that he couldn't inherit the disease, but they were wrong.…
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Behind the Swedish Model
A unique behind the scenes documentary from deep within the Swedish Government, following the decision-makers behind their controversial fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. While most countries endured harsh lockdowns during March 2020, Swedes went…
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Children of the Enemy
Patricio Galvez’ daughter married one of Sweden’s most notorious ISIS terrorists. In 2014, they join the fight for a caliphate in Syria. Both are killed in its collapse in 2019, but their seven young children survive and are interned in the infamous…
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Children of the Mist
Di is a 12-year-old girl living in a village lost in the mist of Northwest Vietnamese mountains. She belongs to the Hmong ethnic minority where women get married very young, enduring the controversial tradition of ‘bride-kidnapping’. When Di enters puberty,…
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Fragments of Humanity
This documentary film is portraying the many faces of truth. A team of Finnish forensic experts has arrived in Kosovo in order to investigate alleged war crimes. However, the team realizes soon that there are cases that have deliberately been unexamined.…
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Girl Gang
Fourteen-year-old Leonie is a successful teen influencer who lives on the outskirts of Berlin. Millions of followers are at her feet, and companies shower her with products. When Leonie's parents recognise the enormous economic potential of their daughter’s…
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How can you rebuild yourself when you lose your father and your homeland forever at the age of 8? Nadia Nadim, whose dad was killed by the Taliban in 2000, has embarked on this quest. The young Afghan woman, her 4 sisters, and their mother fled Kabul…
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No Place Like Home
Lost between two continents, Priyangika has always felt her adoption was wrong. She begins a quest to fill the missing pieces of her identification papers, her family history and her broken heart. Adopted from Sri Lanka to Norway at only seven weeks,…
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The Hungarian Playbook
At the heart of the European Union, an authoritarian regime has been established. A key element in consolidating its political power is a degree of media control unprecedented in an EU member state. The Hungarian Playbook examines the Don Quixote like…
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This Stolen Country of Mine
This is a film about China's massive hunger for natural resources and how during the last decade it has been aggressively operating to obtain access to these resources in Ecuador. The country is now stuck with the most Chinese debts in Latin America.…
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